悟/Enlightenment 序/Preface 前言/Foreword 要旨/The main points 提綱/Outline │第一章‧Chapter 1│ 1-1 腦的結構和炁功冥想/The Structure of Brain and Qi Meditation 1-2 河圖、洛書、陰陽和八卦/He Tu, Luo Shu, Yin Yang and Eight Trigrams 1-3 瑜伽輪、河圖、洛書的數字之意義/Meaning of Number in Chakras, He Tu and Luo Shu 1-4 內在和外在途徑(炁)/Intrinsic and Extrinsic Pathways (Qi) 1-5 炁入腦的兩種途徑(腦)/Two Pathways into the Brain 1-6 內臟途徑和盆部神經途徑/Visceral and Pelvic Pathway 1-7 聲音和光現象/Sound and Light Phenomena 1-8 無上、拙火和昆達尼利瑜伽/Tantric, Candali and Kundalini Yoga 1-9 終末神經和邊緣系統/Nerve 0 and Limbic System 1-10 輪與激發點/Chakra and Kshetram 1-11 腦輪與激發點/Chakra and Kshetrams in the Brain 1-12 拙火瑜伽――密處和密杵/Candali Yoga: Secret Place and Sexual Organs
│第二章‧Chapter 2│ 2-1 淺談《無上瑜伽密續》/"Highest Yoga Tantra" 2-2 《無上瑜伽密續》中文本缺點/"Highest Yoga Tantra" – Imperfection of Chinese Translation 2-3 姿勢、咒語和手印/Asana, Mantra and Mudra 2-4 真言(頌歌或咒語)/Mantras 2-5 天人合一――頗哇、督脈和開頂與脊輪/Union of Man and Nature: Phowa, Du and Ren Meridians, Opening of Fontanelle and Spinal Chakra 2-6 三個瑜伽節(結)/The Three Knots: Three Granthis and the Three Gunas 2-7 拙火瑜伽(中脈與輪)的瑣談/Candali Yoga (Tummo): Central Meridian and Chakras 2-8 濕婆神廟、林伽和林伽石(一元論和二元輪)/Shiva Temple and Shiva Lingam (Monism and Dualism) 2-9 《甚深內義根本頌》瑣談/Chitchat on "The Profound lnner Principles" 2-10 冥想、超覺靜坐、雅肯靜坐和炁/Meditation, TM, ACEM, and Prana (Qi) 2-11 長壽與覺悟/Longevity and Enlightenment 2-12 高等冥想/Advanced Meditation 2-13 瑜伽的脈和輪――無上瑜伽、拙火瑜伽和昆達利尼瑜伽/Yogi’s Nerves and Chakras: Tantricism, Candali and Kundalini 2-14 輪、脈和經絡――道、無上、拙火和昆達利尼瑜伽/Chakras, Nadis and Meridians: Dao, Tantric, Candali and Kundalini 2-15 昆達利尼和其副脈與結/(Chinese Only) Kundalini and Its Minor Nadis 2-16 玉液丶甘露和青春之泉――滴明點和《黃庭經》/(Chinese Only) Nectar, Bindu and "Huang Ting Jing" 2-17 任督丶奎亞丶玉液和長壽/(Chinese Only) Ren-Du, Kriya, Elixir and Longevity